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when a child is born
标签成长 孩子 怀孕 奇迹 生命



2007-2-2 20:50

the easiest contribution a man and a woman can make to this world is to have a child, it takes nothing more than you and someone of opposite sex. no wonder there are more than 6000 000 000 people in this world;

and also it is the hardest thing as it needs love and care for a child to be conceived and brought up.

it says that "to grow up is an adventure" in a movie about Peter Pan. so many didn't make it through the hardships, misfortunes and accidents. we are lucky ones, as we are alive and fertitle, able to make this crowded space a little, little more crowded(more crowded, and warmer) when we bring a child to this lively and noisy planet.

besides an unalienable right, i feel it a duty, a mission we are born with to bring a child or more children to here where we are. the confirmed bachelor in Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing finally claims "This world must be peopled." Yes, it must be peopled, otherwise it might be a lonely, desolate and barren garden, unworth of living. we call ourselves humans, what is human when we do not make this world "humaned"?

it is really an amazing odyssey for that tiniest sperm and egg to develope itself into a baby, finally into a human. All shall be moved on knowing that process. The creation of a human is so moving and amazing a journey.

Hamlet says

"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties!".

life is a miracle, a wonder.


some times we think this world is cold enough to freeze the coldest hearts, some times we think it's frenzy enough to fire the lowest desires,  as robert frost says in his "ice and fire". whitman once cursed this world "the damned humans". yes, we have too too many reasons to refuse to bring a child into this miserable and detestable world when we know we hurt, and we also hurt others. Keats died when he saw nothing but "The weariness, the fever, and the fret / Here, where men sit and hear each other groan."

ah! so pain! to live is to suffer? poor keats, he never had a child as he didn't even get the chance to materialize his love. he had no hope. charles lamb, the charming single man hoped, and beautifully hoped to have two children creeping about him begging for fancy tales in his "dream children". a dream as it is, Lamb made him more humanely charming with that hope for children. and i love to read him more.

people have witnessed too many sufferings,too many unjustices, and too many wrongs. but we still exist, manage to exist, and arrange to make our lives better. what is it that make us do so? it is hope.we always have hopes even in the days of the dimmest light and coldest night. we hope we can do without this or that as long as we still have breath; and when we do not have breath, we hope our children could struggle till the daybreak to enjoy what we are deprived of.

O!Hope ! what a thing!

my child is still there in its mother's womb. but already its mother and i begin to hope. we have so many hopes talked about, and yet we still have so many untalked of.

We fear our hopes will not come true if we hope too much or once have those hopes spoken. So i know both of us still have many hopes unspoken, keep them fostered in our hearts.

just like when we are a child, we do not show the others all our treasures at once as we fear they might take away our best things, so we hide them. as a father and mother, my wife and i are hiding our best hopes for our to-be-born child.







when a child is born

When a child is born

演唱:Johnny Mathis约翰尼.马蒂斯

A ray of hope flickers in the sky A tiny star lights up way up high

All across the land dawns a brand new morn", This comes to pass when a child is born.

A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees

And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn, This comes to pass when a child is born.

A rosy dawn settles all around You got to feel you"re on solid ground

For a spell or two no one seems forlorn This come to pass when a child is born.

(Spoken) and all of this happens bacause the world is waiting.waiting for one child

black,white,yellow,no one knows, but a child that will grow up and turn tears

to laughter,hate to love,war to peace, everyone and everyone"s name, and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever.

It"s all a dream, an illusion now. It must come true some time soon somehow

All across the land dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born.



