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April Fools Day_2007
标签day fools


Hanlixuan 汉丽轩 展览馆路分店




Joking, what are doing...

After lunch, joking suggested going to Elevn to karaOK, but on the way to Elven we found there were many boats in Beihai Park, then we decided to boating~~~ Unfortunately since the wind is too heave, boating is not allowed. hehe, doesn't matter, we are all good at to enjoy ourselves:



Just do it~

 Now we are in a bar named BaGua in Houhai.


Yandai Xie Street 烟袋斜街


Vikey took us to a Xinjiang Restaurant, the meal is fantastic, but hehe, my wallet was gone~~~~


最后我想说的是,E文太烂了 (my english is rubbish)~~~

后记:sally要去美丽坚,vikey要去上海,joking要去埃及,mike计划去西藏尼泊尔旅游,我,估计要去酒仙桥。。。 Sally will go to USA, vikey to shanghai, joking to Egypt, mike plans to go to Tibet and Nepal, and me, maybe will go to Wangjing...


                                             ----The End
