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作者龙诗慧 标签development Economy GuangZhou in of success 阅读次数:24
 Guangzhou is the largest industrial and cultural center in South China.In the last year,Guangzhou's economy was increasing. Great changes have taken place in many industrial.
 At the recent years,GZ's GDP is up to 931.9 billion yuan.Compared with the last years,it has increased 13%.Besides,the inport and eport are also going up.What's more, the jobless rate drops to 2.4% in GZ.It is belived that more and more people can lead comfortable lives in this modern city. At present,For one thing, GZ is developing it's industrialization and modernization of agriculture.For the other hand, GZ's economy is mainly made up the transportation and foreign trade, service and tourism,finance and insurance, post and industry. Needless to say, GZ is a developing city and famous for her own daily necessities, such as food, entertainment, tourism, hobbies, parties, shopping and entertainment.
 Generally speaking, the economy of GZ provides the flower city an excellent oppertunity.
