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作者邓实 标签Christmas day 阅读次数:56
              Christmas Day
  So far as I know, Christmas day is one of the important festival in western countries.Personally,I have a great interest of Christmas day,so I want to show some information to introduce it.
  The history of Christmas came from an old history.In the western world, the birthday of Jesus Christ has been celebrated on December 25th since AD 354.As the time went by, christmas day was appropriated many pagan festivals and traditions of the season in many parts of the Middle East and Europe.
  During christmas day,there are many kinds of presents will be trade throughout the western countries.This is the markland of christmas.For example, There are Christmas cards, Christmas crackers, Christmas pudding, Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths and so on.It is so excited that we can exchange our presents with our friends and share funny with them.
  Otherwise, the Christmas songs are also interesting.For example," Jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!"It is the song that everyone must hear during christmas.In fact that the christmas songs not only belong to music,but also stand for peace and love.so the christmas music is another sign of the christmas.
   Generally speaking,christmas day is popular thoughout the world.Happness and love are surrounding us.Let us enjoy this happy moment.
