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這年, 1745年, 正是十一月三十日冬至

作者beny 标签冬至 阅读次数:266
ok, I dont know how to type Chinese, so sorry.
According to my calculation, (useing a software I found on line http://www.hermetic.ch/dnld.php?code=CHCAL) there was only once when Wnter Solitice (冬至) fell on 十一月三十日 between 1707 and 1764. (1707 was when Emperor Kon-Si went to the South for the last time. He went to the South 6 times, stayed with the author's family 4 times: 1699,1703, 1705, 1707) (1764 was when our author died). That day was Dec. 21th, 1745, the 9th year of Emperor Chian-Long, our author was 28 years old that year.
