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Bryan Adams/《HERE I AM》

作者寳呗豬рρ 标签aM Bryan here 阅读次数:189
Bryan Adams(布赖恩·亚当斯)

相信大家在CCTV5上应该经常能听到这首使人抒情励志的歌,这首歌曲以大气的配乐加上演唱者独特的沙哑声线,为球迷带来了足球和音乐的完美结合。豪迈自信的″Here I Am″同时也是《小马精灵》的主题曲,歌曲把小马王斯比瑞特追求自由绝不屈服的英勇形象表现的淋漓尽至!与球星们在足球场上的表现和这首歌要传达的精神是如此的契合!!

Here I am
Here I am - this is me
There"s no where else on Earth I"d rather be
Here I am - it"s just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true

It"s a new world - it"s a new start
It"s a**** with the beating of - young hearts
It"s a new day - it "s a new plan
I"ve been waiting for you
Here I am

Here we are - we"ve just begun
And after all this time - our time has come
Ya here we are - still goin" strong
Right here in the place where we belong

Here I am - next to you
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am - where I"m gonna stay
Now there"s nothin standin in our way


寳呗豬рρ(961184)于 2005-5-16 21:28:12 编辑过本帖
