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blue night

作者dreams飞飞 标签BLUE NIGHT 阅读次数:71
┄┅ ηǐ媞仩偙. ﹖給偶的禮伆. [卟論]. 劇漓.哊哆遠.葙隔哆玖 一偝吇¨.  ━━─━┄ 偠葆苻┍.  lately you have been asking me 
if all my words are true
don't you know i'll do anything for you 
something i haven't been good to you
something i've made you cry
and i am sorry for everything
but i promise you girl
i promise you this

when the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
when i'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one my love

so theere's no need to worry girl
my heart is sealed for you 
and no one's gonna take it away 
cos' i promise you girl
i promise you this

your voice is calling to me in my dreams
my love is stronger than it's ever been
