于是乎就翻出L团的古董碟,那时候豆子的声音还是那种高高的,略带甜腻的,歌的节奏也比较明快,我就是想靠这些歌来让自己的心情好起来,没想到适得其反= =;
听着<true>这张专辑,相比<heavenly>的甜腻过度,我更偏爱<true>,不乏像<the Forth Avenue Cafe>和<I wish>这样的欢快的作品。平时也没有机会,去研究那些难懂的日文歌词究竟是什么意思,今天反正有空就把次拿出来看了。
<good morning,hide>是一首比较特别的歌吧,因为是豆和前鼓手共同完成的一首歌,这首歌的格调有些怪,乍听来感觉也是比较激烈欢快的。看了此后却更加摸不着头脑了。
一直都以为彩虹的歌,写词都是由豆一手包办的,没想到这首却恰恰相反,都作的曲,sa写的词,以前都没注意到过,偶还以为是sa写的曲= =;偶真是无知。这样一来我就跟有兴趣仔细研究夏这词了,哈哈,因为它是全英文的,偶对英文的信心可比日文要强。
Good morning,Hide
Music: Hyde Words: Sakura
The scene you accept and you see
It’s easy for me to understand
It must be the same as mine
Why are not they tired?
Why are not they tired?
I don’t do the thing like that
I just do it instead
If a morning starts at the moment
when you wake up
It has been morning still now
I don’t need a night
I can not define this place
Except a certain additional value
Everything is unnecessary
It’s ok if your destination is the same
The scene will never change
The scene you accept and you see
It's easy for me to understand
It must be the same as mine
The scene they accept and they see
It’s different from mine,
I don’t imagine
I don’t do the thing like that
I just do it instead
It seems it has been morning
I’ll keep this morning no matter
I spend much time, I go far away
I don’t need a night yet
I can take it like this
They will keep their night forever more
You don’t need the night at this moment
By the time when the morning turns
into the noon
My action will be harmonized
The scene you accept and you see
It's easy for me to understand
It must be the same as mine
The scene they accept and they see
It’s different from mine,
I don’t imagine
I don’t do the thing like that
The morning hides all
Why did no you show it?
Why did not you notice it?
Where is your scene from everything?
please tell me now
Why did not you have it?
Why did not you repeat it?
I don’t do the thing like that
I just do it instead
"Yes, everything is an imagination"…
"Yes, it’s also a realization"
Why did not you show it?
Why did not you notice it?
Why did not you have it?
Why did not you repeat it?
Why did not you have it?
Why did not you repeat it?
I don’t do the thing like that
Wish I’ve done it instead


听完这首歌,心情更是低落。这首歌是sa在十年前写得,看题目,本以为会是首很甜蜜的歌,good morning,hide~~~就像是清晨醒来,对枕边还没醒来的人,道上第一句祝福,是否要morning kiss下大家自行想象>_<
PS:昨天写得,越写越郁闷,就没收尾,今天忙得要死,现在才来更新,我承认自己好久没写关于L'Arc的了= =;惭愧啊~~~人家实在是忙嘛>_<~~今天好不容易更新却又是篇,让人郁闷的文~~~米办法,人家这几天特别不爽啦~~~