作者:hbxlaoshi 标签:BEYOND 音乐 | 阅读次数:153 |
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Presentation of He BingXin America-Europe Pop Music School 贺冰新女士,世界华人艺术家协会理事、中国健康扶贫基金会艺术团名誉团长、中国欧美流行声乐教育家。 Mrs. He Bingxin, member of the World Chinese Artists Association, honorary chairperson of the Art Troupe of the CHINA FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION, is a vocality educator of the American and European pop music. 贺冰新,原铁道文工团歌唱演员,1990年留学英国,主修流行音乐。她较早意识到中国未来流行声乐的发展趋势,归国后一直立志于欧美流行音乐唱法的教学和推广工作,曾先后在中国音乐学院流行声乐进修班、中北英皇艺术专修学校传授先进唱法,积累了丰富的教学经验,并培养了大批成绩斐然的学生,如:李惠珍、彝人制造、刘亦菲(著名演员)、朱迅(中央电视台主持人)等。 He, a former singer in China Railway Art Troupe, has studied in the United Kingdom majoring in pop music. Aware of the trend of the development of Chinese pop music, she is always working in teaching and generalizing of American and European pop vocalism after coming back to China. Being a consecutively teacher in China Conservatory pop vocal refresher courses and ZBEEG Art College, she gained rich experience in teaching and formed many preeminent students, such as Li Hui Zhen, Yi Ren Zhi Zao, Liu Yi Fei (famous actress), Zhu Xun (compere of CCTV), etc. 贺女士一直在研究怎样将欧美流行音乐演唱技巧引入中国,并在实际教学中借鉴欧美流行音乐演唱技巧,形成了自己独特的一套流行歌曲演唱教学方法——“直接通俗唱法”。通过几年的教学实践,在青年学生中取得了较好的社会效果,在流行声乐教育界引起了轰动。 Mrs. He has always been searching for ways to introduce the American and European pop vocality into China and complete her own “Direct Pop Vocal” teaching theory. After years of practice, her reputation has been established in the field of pop vocalization as well as among young students. 学生郑凡仅学习“贺氏流行音乐教学法”两个月,就获得《梦想中国》银碟奖;学生张沙沙仅学习3个月,就获得罗马尼亚国际青少年流行音乐大赛特别奖以及《非常6+1》“花季少女”第一名;学生郑东、朱洁、刘锐也仅学习数月,就分别获得中央电视台音乐擂台周擂主及月擂主。 Zheng Fan, a student of Mrs. He, won silver medal of the championship “Dream of China” (organized by CCTV) only after two months of study with He’s pop vocality teaching theory. Zhang Shasha, champion of Flower Girl in “Special 6+1”, won the special award of “The International Music Competition Bucharest” in Romania with only three months’ study. Zheng Dong, Zhu Jie and Liu Rui also studied a few months and then respectively won the weekly and monthly champion of the music competition of CCTV 3. 贺女士强调:“欧美强调流行音乐要有节奏和律动,各种音乐风格的变化,完全取决于你是否会唱节奏和律动。而且,国外歌手越是现场唱,感觉越好。他们在舞台上,从肢体语言到歌声再到眼神都充满表现力,演唱的声音自然流畅,几乎听不出来真假声的转换” 。 Mrs. He said: “Rhythm is indispensable in America and Europe pop music. The variation of the music style is based on your performing of singing with ‘rhythm’. Moreover, foreign singers perform and feel normally better in theater, where their voice is often natural and fluent with their body language, singing and expression in eyes full of vivacity. The conversion between real voice and falsetto can hardly be remarked.” 除此以外,“贺氏流行音乐教学法”还解决了国内通俗歌曲演唱中“唱跳冲突”的问题,即不用“假唱”就可实现“边跳边唱”。贺女士表示,“假唱”跟唱法有关。如果借鉴欧美流行演唱法:气息往上、声音向前,演唱者将声音与音乐的节奏律动融为一体,先“唱音乐”,接下来才是唱节奏、唱律动、唱歌词和舞台表现力,演出效果会好很多。 In addition, He’s pop vocalism also settle the problem in singing and dancing, meaning, “lip synching” is not necessary in the performance. Mrs. He said the alleged “lip synching” was related to the way of singing. If singers use American and European pop vocalism: breath up, voice frontad, “music” first sung, rhythm later, then pay attention to the words and expressive force on the stage, to harmonize the voice and rhythm as a union, the performance will be much better. 由于教学突出,贺女士曾多次担任《欢乐总动员》、《非常6+1》、《星光大道》等知名电视节目的重要评委和声乐指导教师,中国教育电视台、北京电视台、山东电视台等全国60家媒体曾先后报道和宣传过她的先进教学方法。贺女士也曾在多处进行欧美流行音乐演唱巡讲活动,受到广泛的赞誉和好评。 Because of her outstanding teaching, Mrs. He has repeatedly assumed the office of juror or vocalism director in many famous TV programs such as “Happy Mobilization”, ”Special 6+1”, ” Star Road” and etc. About 60 mediums had reported her advanced teaching theory, including CETV, BJTV, and SDTV. She has toured in many places to make speeches that were widely welcomed and warmly hailed. 2006年正式公开授业的贺冰新欧美流行音乐培训学校,目前刚与美国华盛顿音乐艺术学校,以及新西兰艺星文化艺术学校签署了音乐艺术文化交流的协议,双方本着共同发展对欧美流行音乐演唱方法的教学和推广,秉承音乐与国际接轨,与市场接轨的办学理念,以国外的演艺市场对流行音乐人才的需求作为目标,创建中国最具有国际化的欧美流行音乐学校。 He Bing Xin America and Europe Pop Music School, opened in 2006, has just signed accords on music and art culture exchange with America Washington Music and Art School and New Zealand Yi Xing Cultural Art School. Based on the teaching concept to develop and generalize the American and European pop vocalism, keep up the Chinese pop music teaching with the world level and the market trend, the school aims make itself the most internationalized America and Europe pop music school to train pop music talents in need of foreign market. 贺冰新欧美流行音乐培训学校位于北京市东城区东四北大街343号瑞城亿兴大厦,学校总面积2200平方米。校内设有若干练声房、舞蹈教室、演播厅、录音教室以及中型专业录音棚,均是一流专业设备,并配有专业录音师、灯光师、音响师,其规模在国内各同等院校中均属顶级。学校内可完成小型节目录制以及专业水平的DEMO录制与制作工作,同时也可以承接各个电视台的小型综艺节目以及歌唱比赛等录制活动。 He BingXin America and Europe Pop Music School is located in Rui Cheng YI Xing building, North Dongsi Avenue 343, in Dongcheng district in Beijing, with an area of 2200 m2. Professionally equipped with rooms for vocalization and dancing, performance hall, recording rooms and medium-sized professional recording studios, it is a first-classed one across the country with a strong team of professional recording engineers, lighting engineers and sound engineers. The school can also fulfill small-sized program recording, produce professional DEMO, and host the recording work of entertainment programs and music competitions for televisions. 学校所有任课教师均为留学归来或海外优秀教师,教学模式与国际知名音乐院校授课方式相同,并以贺冰新针对中国学生特点而制定的“快乐教学法”,使学生在快乐中学会如何正确的演唱歌曲。学校还长期聘请国内外知名艺人和乐手亲临指导,如:黑豹乐队、BEYOND黄贯中与叶世荣、日本著名打击乐手FUNKY未吉等等。 All the teachers in the music school had the experiences of study abroad. Their teaching method is the same as in famous international conservatories, combined with He’s special “Happy Study Method” in view of Chinese students’ specialties so that the students could learn to sing in a happy way. He’ s school also invites some famous artists for teaching, such as band “Panther”, Huang Guan Zhong and Ye Shi Rong from band ”Beyond”, Japanese drummer FUNKY 未吉 and etc. 贺冰新欧美流行音乐培训学校,面向全社会爱好歌唱的大众,学校目标是为国内各唱片公司提供中国未来流行音乐界新一代的歌手代表。 Facing to all singing amateurs, He BingXin America and Europe Pop Music School is aiming at training a new generation of Chinese preeminent pop singers for music companies |