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极品飞车8 刹车漂移

作者游戏游戏 标签极品飞车 阅读次数:16
1. Enter a turn at a speed too high for the vehicle to handle (if you do not drift, your vehicle should experience understeer at this speed)。


2. Heel-Toe Downshift to get your vehicle into a gear low enough to cause the rear tires to break traction when you accelerate (2nd gear)。

用heel-toe downshift(vai注:一种挂挡方式,我估计就是头文字D中拓海用的那种,具体怎样做我随后介绍)挂入低档,使得后轮失去抓地力(一般来说挂2档)
3. Turn your wheels sharply into the turn. By the time you finish downshifting and turning your wheels, you should be at the apex of the turn.
4. Accelerate hard, but balance the throttle to maintain the drift.
5. When you feel the vehicle’s rear end kicking out, immediately countersteer the wheels to face straight with the road. Your vehicle will pull in the direction of the front wheels, as long as the wheels are still moving. Keep on the throttle. If you press the brakes or let off the throttle because your vehicle is in an extremely oversteered condition, you will spin out or leave the road.


6. When you wish to straighten out your car, after completing the drift, let off the throttle smoothly and straighten out the wheels as your vehicle kicks in line behind the front tires.

这个没怎么看懂,大概说当作玩漂移后,把正方向,慢慢减油门什么的。主要your vehicle kicks in line behind the front tires不明白,高手来给解释一下。

再来说一下Heel-Toe Downshift 他们的解释是
A drifting technique where the clutch is pressed with the left foot while the right foot presses the brake with the toes and the heel slides over to the accelerator to rev the engine up before downshifting the vehicle. (allows smooth downshifting, without jolting the vehicle)


下面说说在游戏里面做这个breaking drift的要领。首先应该选用手动档,入弯前一定要有一定的速度,迅速换到低档打方向入弯(其实我觉得难在Heel-Toe Downshift 上,但是游戏中不用做这个只要迅速换低档就可以)踩油门,此时后轮马上会失去抓地力,会做出漂亮的漂移,马上countersteer,出弯。

顺带一提,我本身对车子不是很懂 ,所以翻译中间肯定有很多错误,还请各位高手指正。主要最近在看《头文字D》而UG2的Demo又刚好放出,我对drifting很感兴趣,所以在网上找资料,国内似乎没有这方面的介绍,于是找了篇国外的勉强翻译了,算是在UG2正式版放出之前送给广大NFS fans的一点礼物吧。
