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作者danzhi 标签WOW 服务器 魔兽 私服 一条龙 阅读次数:83

note: [arg] is an optional argument, is a required argument, [arg=x] is an optional argument that defaults to x
means an argument with possible values 1,2,3,4,5,6.
number beside each command is the minimum p-level required to use a command.
letter beside some commands indicates the command requires a selected object:
t=all targets

informational commands:
0 .help [command] - displays command list, and help about [command] if it is specified.
0 .where - displays map and zone number, coordinates x,y,z and orientation h
2t .info - displays selected object info
2np .faction - displays selected object faction
2 .online - displays connected players count on server
4 .targetgo - selects nearest gameobject and displays its info (selection will not be visible)
4n .targetlink - select spawnpoint for currently selected npc - i.e. if spawn is unreachable, you can select its npc then .targetlink and call for spawn to .come)
2t .pingmm - displays selected npc on mini map
2p .listsp - list of learned spells
2p .listsk - list of learned skills

creation commands:
4 .add [amount=1] - add [amount] items to your backpack
4 .addnpc - add paralysed npc at your location with your orientation
4 .addgo - add gameobject at your location with your orientation
4 .addspawn - add empty spawn if called without parameters
4 .addspawn [creatureid] [number=1] - add a spawnpoint that spawns [number] of specified creature

deletion/kill commands:
2t .del - delete selected object (your reputation not changed)
4n .kill - kill selected npc (your reputation decreased)
4 .killallnpc - kill all npc around you
4 .delallcorp - delete all player dead bodies

npc/objects manipulation:
4ns .turn - turns npc/spawn to look at you
4ns .come - asks selected npc/spawn to come to you
4np .setlevel - sets level for npc/player
4np .setmodel - sets model for npc/player
5n .setnpcflags - sets the npc to hostile or friendly, 4 is merchant etc...
4n .setsize - sets size for model of npc
4np .setspeed - sets speed for animation and movement of selected npc
4n .paralyse - paralyse or free selected npc 中-国-gm-之-~家

2 .goguid - teleport to object by guid
2 .namego - teleport named player to you

server control commands:
6 .save - save world and players
6 .shutdown - save world, pp, players and quits server
6 .retcl - reloads all tcl scripts
6 .rescp - reloads all scp databases
6 .rehash - rehashes objects
2 .clearqflags - clears all quest progress, including finished quests
4 .broadcast - sends message to every connected player as a system message 中~-国-gm-之-家

debug commands (don't play with these):
6 .ppon - turns on pathpoint collection
6 .ppoff - turns off pathpoint collection
6 .bytes - for debug
6 .adddyn - for debug
2 .starttimer - for debug
2 .stoptimer - stop timer visuals
6 .test - for debug
2 .setaura - set aura by number
4 .exploration - opens your map locations (?)
6 .flag1 - for debug
2 .setreststate - set new rest state for testing
6npg.setflags - set flags bitmask for target
6t .gflags - set gflags for selected gameobject
6t .gtype - set gtype for selected gameobject

