作者:十三太保 标签:北京 记者 | 阅读次数:42 |
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2008-08-24 | 巴西著名记者:吃煎饼买国安队服——我的自由北京之行 标签: 外国专家
(作者Ricardo Setyon为巴西著名记者,本文专供搜狐,请勿转载) 互联网确认完毕。电视台?确认完毕。广播、报纸、各大周刊准备完毕,没错,还包括各种月刊和季刊。所有的文字记者已经准备完毕,他们来自不同的国家和地区,操着149种不同的语言。 有谁被落下了?让我看看,BBC,CNN,NBC,CCTV,ESPN,Star Sports,FOX等各大传媒巨人与其他341家媒体齐聚一堂。实习记者,作家以及奥林匹克新闻机构不会放过任何一丝新闻消息。 没错,所有人都已经到齐了。这一刻,北京才是世界的中心。我想不会有人对这一点提出质疑。即便是在月球上,我相信奥林匹克也是最棒的演出,毫无争议的头版头条。 北京奥运会无疑是成功的,即便有俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的冲突,西班牙那场夺去154人生命的可怕坠机,龙卷风,台风,地震,美国大选,巴基斯坦的无政府状态,甚至自杀炸弹袭击,索马里游击队以及有可能取得突破性进展的中东和谈也没有能够从北京奥运会的手中夺得头号新闻的地位。 即便是我朋友的生日,在一家小餐馆发现了最棒的北京烤鸭后的喜悦也不能和北京奥运会相提并论。 全世界都在谈论北京,全世界都在更加了解北京,全是在都在关注着北京。在过去的17天里,当人们从睡梦中醒来的时候,北京就在他们的眼前。 感谢前面提到的各种媒体,他们作为中国最好的形象大使将这个文明古国的首都做了最好的诠释,而这带来的收益远不是金钱所能衡量的。 说起我,我不属于任何一家报纸,广播,电视,书刊,电影,网络文字平台或者杂志社,我来这里只是简单的做我该做的事情,仅此而已。 我只是通过一篇博客,一小段录像来向搜狐的网友们表达我的感受。 没错,这就是我:像一匹驰骋在广阔天地间的野马一样,我只想做我该做的事情。 我只是想更加直观的接触这届历史性的奥运会(相信我:以任何西方人的眼光,北京奥运会绝非泛泛之辈,这绝对将成为名垂青史的一届奥运会!),用我的眼睛、耳朵来感受这个伟大的国家,友好的人民以及令人着迷的文化。 因为作为一个记者,是很难有机会如此近距离的观察中国。比如我在CNN的朋友们,还有BBC的纳瓦兹先生以及巴西电视台的同行们。而且他们马上就要离开这个不可思议的国度了。 当我初来北京的时候,我没有落脚的地方,口袋中也没有多少可支配的现金,因为其中的大多数都已经被我用在了路费上。但是从另一面说,正是这种自由身份你才得以收货如此之多的见闻,品尝各路美食,与这里的人们打成一片。现在我对北京和中国都有了进一步的认识。 我不知道有多少记者体验过与主场观众一起收看比赛?虽然我没有任何信息来源,没有明亮的座位,没有电子仪器和免费饮料。另外,我的三脚架被鸟巢的安检人员没收,而且当正规记者们乘着免费巴士来往穿梭的时候,我却只能徒步走上好几公里。作为一个自由身,我还不得不请别人帮我拍照。 我唯一想要的就是能够尽可能多的体验中国人的生活。我不想仅仅去虹桥购物,不想流连于紫禁城和三里屯酒吧,五星饭店,不想做出租车,不想去后海,不想参加英国队的派对。 相反,我更多的选择了公交车,尽管我很少搭上正确的线路。有一天晚上我甚至杯地铁的门夹住了脸。我的主食是猪肉包子,而我点的却是鸡肉陷的。在崇文门菜市场,我还手舞足蹈的对那名摊煎饼的女士表达我要几个鸡蛋。 我没有获得进入体育场的免费门票,我必须与普通人一样在售票处排队等候,只为了这场巴西与美国男排的金牌争夺战。我也没有权利使用组委会提供的一切便利,免费的手提袋以及在媒体村,国际转播中心和多媒体中心的使用权。 这是我从事记者生涯以来的第六届奥运会,我本可以坐在家中通过电视,广播和报纸了解北京发生的一切,但是我还是决定亲身来到这里。 而我的这段经历,也帮助我在回国后更好的向人们解释为什么中国可以成为奥运会历史上第四个金牌数超过50枚的国家。解释中国为什么超越了强大的美国队。解释那名瑞典运动员为什么将把奖牌扔在了地上,我会向我的读者们竭力解释这一切。 我会为他们讲述北京的街景,鸟巢的雄伟。以及那名古巴跆拳道运动员为什么会出脚踢伤裁判。 我会将所有这些细节全盘的告诉给我的读者们,因为这是我的责任。即便奥运会是世界上最大的体育盛事,我们也不应该忘记体育的主体是人。 当然,奥运会不只如此,他是属于全人类的奥运会,它的范畴已经超越了传统意义上的体育。它同样属于那些起早贪黑的记者,辛勤奉献的志愿者,努力拼搏的运动员,以及那些为奥运会场馆整整劳作了四年的劳动者。 还有那些为我们的衣食住行提供便利的人们。当然,还有奥运会本身。 这就是我的工作,非常高兴能够在这里和大家相识,我的名字是Ricardo Setyon。 我的工作就是为了向人们展示北京是如何通过七年的准备工作,为世界献上了一届完美的奥运会的。 这就是我的工作,这就是我。 我希望人们分享我在奥运会期间的见闻感受,告诉他们我无法忘记在北京的每一分每一秒。 想知道更多吗?即便巴西女足没有拿到金牌,罗纳尔迪尼奥和帕托们也没有完成金牌的使命,巴西男排也在决赛中痛失好局而泪流满面。但是,本届奥运会上的一切都将是我铭记终生,而且总有一天我还会再次来到北京。 几天之后我就要返回巴西了。但是在此之前,我要骑着电动自行车在北京逛上一整天! 另外我也要想想如何处理我购买的那15件北京国安的球衣...(搜狐体育 贝斯译) 原文: ARTICLE 24-08-2008 9TH ARTICLE Internet sites. Confirmed. TV Stations ? Confirmed. Radio programs, Newspapers, big and small and weekly Magazines. Yes. Also monthly and quarterly magazines are there? Correct. Documentary crews are present. Journalists from far and near, in 149 languages and dialects. Also. Anyone missing? Let me see? BBC, CNN, NBC, CCTV ar the biggest networks. But giants such ESPN, Star Sports, FOX and some 341 other TV broadcasters are doing their best. Students of journalism, book writers and the great Olympic News Services, that supplies insights and inside news to all. yeah...everyone is in Beijing. This is the center of the world. Any doubts ? What, have been in the moon ? I bet that even in space everyone agrees that Olympics is the top story, the best show, the preference on the news. And that, Beijing succeeded, even with a war (Russia - Georgia) taking place at the same time, a terrible 154-victim Airplane crash (Spain), tornadoes, typhoons, earthquakes, American pre-election period, Pakistan lack of president and even suicide bombers, Somalian guerrilla and a great possibility of development Middle East Peace talks. Not even my best friend's birthday, the discovery of the best Braised Beijing Duck in a very small restaurant, courtesy of Chen Wei, Wang Xiaojing and Victor, simple, nice and amazingly important Chinese people. Nothing is even close to the talk of the town: Beijing Olympic! But the world speaks Beijing, understand more on Beijing,eats with Beijing, and go to sleep with Beijing. Most of those 17 days, people woke Up with Beijing in front of their eyes. Thanks to all those kinds of media, China is having the the best chance of "hiring"new ambassadors and reaching an image enhancing, a space in the papers and TV's, that no money can buy. Me...Well, I did not come for papers, radios, TV's, books, movies, documentaries Internet sites or magazines. I came to do things as simple as I could. Simple. A blog, small one, some videos for the newest media in the world, Internet TV, and those humble columns for sohu.com. That is it: a free lancer, that is really free. I did not run after big jobs, or busy days and nights. The idea is to be at this historical Olympics ( trust me: any western person that thinks differently, is not normal! This Olympics are the ones that really will remain in history!!) , as free as possible, to see, hear and understand a bit more of this great country, special people, and amazing culture. Because, you must understand the journalist job, in this sports world. Most of my friends of CNN, the good people of BBC ,such as Mr. Nawaz, or the very nice people of Bandeirantes TV of Brazil, well, they did not have the time to see almost anything of China. And they are already leaving the country! While I had no hotel when I landed in Beijing, and very little cash available, as I paid most of the trip, on the other hand, I could see so much, eat fantastically, meet great people, and understand better the city. And some of the country. How many journalists enjoyed seeing the games with the people, the fans by their side? I did not have any information, did not have a seat with light, electrical sight and free drinks. On the contrary: my tripod was taken ( and lost!) by the authorities at the Bird Nest, had to walk kilometers until I found the right gate, while the journalist had a bus at their service. Being a freelance alone, had to ask people to take pictures of me, sing and make the Mexican Wave to gether with some very fine Chinese ladies. The only thing I did want , was to get as much as possible, inside the Chinese life. Did not come here to shop at Hong Qiao or the Pearl market. Did not worry about the Forbidden City or Sanlintun bars, five stars hotels, taxi rides, or fancy receptions at the absurdly loud Russia House in Hohai, or the Great Britain Team parties. I took busses...mostly wrong one. I got the door of the subway station closed in my face late at night. Had to eat pork buns, when I only meant to eat the chicken ones. Had to dance and move my arms like a chicken, to explain the lady that sells filled pancake at the Chowengmen Market, what I really wanted. And I did not get free entrance to stadiums, got to buy them in the street, and just manage to see the volleyball Gold medal for my country, thanks to fantastic Chinese people, that thought I would have that night forever to remember. Did not have access to athletes, to gifts of the organization, free bags or the Media Village, the IBC ( International Broadcasting Center - House of all TV's and radios) or the MPC ( Main Press Center). In my sixth Olympic Games journalistic coverage, I could see calmly the programs of TV, heard the radio, visited Chinese Newspapers and above all, made a lot of friends. That is why, I will be able to explain, back home, really, why China is the fourth country ever in Olympic history to reach the 50 Gold Medals. And I will explain the US being second. And the Swedish athlete that threw his medal at the floor, I will tell my readers, what the Chinese think about it! I will even explain how the peolle in the street, around the Bird Nest, reacted, when the Cuban Tae Kwon Do fighter, decided he does not like the referee's decision, and kicked the face of the same referee. All this explanation, all those details, I am telling you, because it is a duty for me to express as much as possible that when the Olympics takes place, even if it is the Biggest sports events on earth, we cannot forget that the spots are made by people. But ,more important than that, the Olympics are about people every where, before the sports. The journalists, the volunteers, the athletes, the workers that for years built the stadiums we enjoy seeing today. And people that help Us travel, eat, sleep, and understand, at the end, the Olympics itself. And that is it. That is my job. NIce to meet you: My name is Ricardo Setyon. And my work is to show how the people of Beijing took those seven years waiting and working to make a fantastic and unforgettable period of the Games for our enjoyment. That is my work. This is me. Just wanting to let people know how I see this Olympics. And Why I will never forget them. My job is to try and make other people that listen or read me, why thye also could enjoy the people of Beijing. want to know something else? Even if Brazil lost the medal of gold at the Women's final,and did not reach the so much desired gold at with Ronaldinho, Pato and othre stars, and after having to wipe tears for seeing the volleyball men's team lose the final, all the good things that I have now in my life, are good enough to bring me back. And I am back to Brazil in a few days. Not before taking an electrical bicycle and spend a whole day in around and all over Beijing!!! How can I put those 15 jersey bought of local soccer club Beijing Guao in my suitcase now.... R I C A R D O S E T Y O N |