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我就是豆豆 Im DoDo

作者clockworkjo 标签im 阅读次数:17
一个记者采访100只企鹅一天都干些什么,第一只说:吃饭、睡觉、打豆豆,第二只说:吃饭、睡觉、打豆豆。一直问了99只都如此,问到第100只说:吃饭、睡觉。记者问:你怎么不打豆豆?企鹅曰:我他妈就是豆豆,你奶奶的。 A reporter make a report with a hundred penguin adout thire daily work.the first penguin said:eating, sleeping,and beating dodo.the second said:eating, sleeping, and beating dodo too. all the while the ninety-nine penguin made the same answer.Till the hundredth, only said:eating and sleeping. The report ask : why don't you beat dodo? The penguin said: shit! i'm the fuking dodo! 你们全都欺负我,我就是豆豆! all of you beat me, i'm the dodo. 补记 问题 1 北极就那么无聊么 2 打豆都很有意思吗 PS.Questions 1 Is there so boring in arctic pole? 2 What is the fun of beating dodo?
