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tomorrow pains gains endless calls where innisfree

作者madbird 标签Call innisfree pain tomorrow 阅读次数:32


four days

sedantry scoring job of postgraduate entrance english exam papers

for the money only 2000.


think of the 9 days in Renda, for that 4000 RMB, 8 hours before the radiating LCD, sultry basement, cold food. that labor intensity could even kill a horse. my backbone still aches. for that money.


tomorrow, another such 4 days, i feel hesitated for its pain, excited for the gain.

pains, gains. haha. 

la vie le belle? non? oui!


 + a company phoned to talk about the chinese 2 english translation of a biography.

a friend phoned to meet me tomorrow to pass me the pay for the translation job half a year ago. i hate to travel long for that small sum, but she called many times, insisted on passing me the money she owes me before the next year moves in.

Mrs. Zheng called to talk about the teaching affairs next year for her college, arranged to meet with president of that college.

i hate all the damned calls!

every ring startled me and irritated me! but i just cannot pull off the phone cord.

longing for a life in Innisfree

such a life can only take place in my deep heart's core, when i am standing on the PAVEMENT GRAY!


