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如何移动picasa, google desktop数据库位置

作者madbird 标签desktop google picasa search 数据库 阅读次数:117


picasa 数据库过大,迁移办法:




     这里假设为 C:\Documents and Settings\HP\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Picasa2


第二步,关闭picasa, 把C:\Documents and Settings\HP\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Picasa2下所有文件拷贝到F盘根目录下,拷贝成功后清空目录,这样C盘的空间就大了不少。一定要拷贝成功后再清空,避免勿删!



选择F盘,右键选择“更改驱动器名和路径”,选择“添加”->“浏览”,找到C:\Documents and Settings\HP\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Picasa2后,点“确认”。这样就完成了映射。







I think you can work around this with NTFS mappings :) If you have a spare partition you can use for the database, simply shutdown Picasa, then backup the database, empty the folder in question and use the disk management tool to map the free partition into this folder. Now restore the database backup and here we go.
Another solution would be patching the Picasa executables. If you like, I can have a look at it - you can find my contact details in my profile.


G'day fibo,

Good idea Andre...  I gave it a whirl myself with 100% success.  No problems or worries....

If you don't have a spare partition like Andre suggests you can always use an existing partition that you are already using.  You can use a partition as a drive and as a mapping volume at the same time.

Make sure you make a copy of your DB folder before performing the following....

Open Computer Management, then the Disk Management window, and then right-click the icon of the disk or partition that you want to turn into a mounted volume. From the shortcut menu, choose Change Drive Letter and Paths.

In the Change Drive Letter and Paths dialog box, click Add; in the next dialog box, click Browse. Navigate to and select an empty folder?the one that will represent the disk.  Finally, click OK.

Copy the contents of the DB folder back in \Google\Picasa2\DB and launch Picasa2.  Works like a charm.....





Google Desktop Search数据库过大,如何迁移:



Google Desktop Search作为日常工具,还是很有用的。但今天忽然发现,现在我的索引文件已经1.6g,在c盘放着很不爽。赶紧挪过去:

    1、Google Desktop Search默认的索引文件是保存在“c:\Documents and Settings\你的用户名\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Desktop Search”文件夹中,将该文件夹进行转移。

    2、在F盘新建一个文件夹,比如“F:\google\google desktop search”,然后将索引文件复制到该文件夹下面,复制完毕后退出该软件。

    3、打开注册表,依次打开HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\Google\Google Desktop,将右侧“data_dir”的键值修改为“e:\data\google desktop search”,然后重新启动系统即可。

