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首页 -> 精彩文章 -> 1959年,伯特兰•罗素寄语未来


作者探寻 标签伯特兰 教育 罗素 文化 阅读次数:10




1959年,BBC采访伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)时所问的最后一个问题: 


Interviewer: One last question. Earl Russell. Suppose that this film will be looked at by our descendants like the Dead Sea scroll in a thousand years time, what would you think is worth telling about that generation about the life you lived and the lessons you learned from it?  




Earl Russell: I should like to say two things, one intellectual and one moral.  

The intellectual thing I should want to say to them is this, when you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only, what are the facts, and what is the truth to the facts bear out. Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed. But look only and solely at what are the fact. That is the intellectual thing I should wish to say.  


The moral thing I should wish to say to them is very simple. I should say love is wish, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more closely and closely interconnected. We have to learn to tolerate each other.

 We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things we don
t like. We can only live together in that way. If we are to live together, not die together. We must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet. 


罗素:我想要说两点,其一关乎智慧,其二关乎道德。 有关智慧,我想对他们说的是:  


永远不要让自己被自己所更愿意相信的,或者认为人们相信了,会对社会更加有益的东西所影响。只是单单地去审视,什么才是事实。  这是我想说的,关乎智慧的一点。  

我想对他们说的有关道德的一点,十分简单。  我要说:爱是明智的,恨是愚蠢的。  



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